on blogs, not blogging and the multiple excuses the mind kicks up!

i haven’t been blogging or writing for a while now. this is discounting the paragraphs i write on the evernote app on my phone that thanks to the wonderfulness of technology, pop up on my computer immediately. for the last six months, there have been sufficient reasons, so i say, that have kept me away from the computer, kept me away from that quiet time that … Continue reading on blogs, not blogging and the multiple excuses the mind kicks up!

pedi-cures that don’t cure and life

I got a pedicure yesterday. It isn’t that big a deal in the current world of persistent groomers, but given that I get it twice a year at best, it’s a big event in my life. Also we have a puppy nows so even small things like pedicures need to be fitted into schedules. Just to clarify, I’m not anti-grooming but I must admit, I do see people … Continue reading pedi-cures that don’t cure and life

the landscape while entering divar

where is home and other conversations in my head

In an increasingly fluid world where people are living in countries that they didn’t grow up in, this debate, or conversation about where you come from is an interesting one. I have lived all my life in India, and while it might seem like a fairly similar space to operate in, I still think I find myself wondering about the question… where do I come from? If someone was … Continue reading where is home and other conversations in my head

mOOOOnster wind, lOla and kitty-cat

This story was written for some illustrations that were sent to me—almost the opposite of the usual process—story and then illustrations. It didn’t make it to the final selection as the editor didn’t like it. It was my first piece of fiction that I shared with the world, and I still like it. More than a year later, as I read it, I’m quite happy. … Continue reading mOOOOnster wind, lOla and kitty-cat

I’m in the national geographic traveller india!

I’m in the National Geographic Traveller India – November Issue. Yes, I need to say it aloud often to believe it. It might not be a big deal, but it is my first article in such a reputed travel magazine’s print edition. I have written about this homestay in Bhimtal, Kumaon region in the North of India. The article is tucked away in the ‘Stay’ Section. Needless … Continue reading I’m in the national geographic traveller india!

maragoo’s world

Written for a prompt by Women’s Web, my first fiction story to be published. I am thrilled and was grinning from ear to ear for the longest time! Posting it here for those of you who haven’t caught my regular bubbling about this story on my social media streams. I do wish to take this further; had some great inspiration this weekend, so hope I write a bit more soon. … Continue reading maragoo’s world