blissful by the banyan: homestay, off-mumbai

Travelling out of Mumbai to a place that hopes to preserve nature for the generations to come. Built with vernacular architecture, and along a slope without flattening the land, Banyan Bliss is a homestay that stands out from the rest. Continue reading blissful by the banyan: homestay, off-mumbai

journeys are more in the mind than body.

memories over time – indonesia revisited

It is funny what you remember of a place, or an experience. And also how you cannot predict what you will remember many years from now and how you will react to it. I didn’t travel much as a child, travel wasn’t as cool or ‘required’ for ‘horizon broadening’ as we think it is today. We were carted from home to ‘native place’ once a … Continue reading memories over time – indonesia revisited

pedi-cures that don’t cure and life

I got a pedicure yesterday. It isn’t that big a deal in the current world of persistent groomers, but given that I get it twice a year at best, it’s a big event in my life. Also we have a puppy nows so even small things like pedicures need to be fitted into schedules. Just to clarify, I’m not anti-grooming but I must admit, I do see people … Continue reading pedi-cures that don’t cure and life

boundaries of consent: a walk through dharavi

“Dharavi is the largest slum in Asia,” our guide Jitu said, who had grown up in Dharavi. His hand moved wide to show the expanse and his words are laced with pride. This fact is no longer true, for a slum in Karachi, Pakistan* has overtaken Dharavi. But his pride made me look down at my feet enclosed in shoes to brave the overflowing gutters and … Continue reading boundaries of consent: a walk through dharavi

the market lanes of port louis. let’s go (s)hopping!

There is something that must be said about walking amongst people. I don’t think it’s an Indian thing – this particular love to experience a place through the crowds that throng the streets. I’ve met people who live in countries with really low density who like experiencing new countries/cities through the people. I think it stems from the greater need to join in, to belong, and to be … Continue reading the market lanes of port louis. let’s go (s)hopping!

luxury comes to stay at mauritius – part 2

I was in Mauritius for a week in July, and it was such a packed week, that I could write multiple posts about every activity we did. In my previous post about Mauritius, I had told you about what I did on the first three days, now I’ll go on with all the other action. If you’ve missed out on that first piece do read it … Continue reading luxury comes to stay at mauritius – part 2

the importance of being mauritian

I was in Mauritius all of last week. And like all social media addicts, I bombarded my accounts with photographs and status updates, more to quench my need to have a voice in the maze of travel writers, than to actually be of some use. Or so I think. Now that I am back, and have the luxury of longer posts, and more space to express, I hope to … Continue reading the importance of being mauritian

where the wild things should be!

Wildlife Conservation & You, a Bangalore based non-profit, organised a conference in Mumbai on 6th June. The aim of the conference was to connect wildlife enthusiasts with conservationists. This is the third year it has been held, though previously only in Bangalore. Around 50 participants spent their Saturday munching over the thoughts and words during five interactive sessions and a panel discussion. The day began … Continue reading where the wild things should be!